Diabetic retinopathy evidence gap map

A female eye health worker checks a woman's eyes.

What this map shows

At Sightsavers, our EGMs summarise, appraise, and present evidence from systematic or literature reviews.

The diabetic retinopathy EGM summarises evidence from 40 reviews. Most reviews (16) address risk factors and prevention of diabetic retinopathy, followed by nine that look at treatment and six which address screening. Of the remainder, four look at epidemiology of the disease, two include cost analysis, one looks at quality of clinical care, one looks at access to diabetic retinopathy-related health services and one looks at quality of life.

This gap map shows that there are clear gaps in evidence at the health-systems sector level. No reviews were identified for diabetic retinopathy-related quality of non-clinical care.

27 reviews provide strong evidence in response to the research question; nine reviews show weak or no evidence; and in four reviews the results are inconclusive (mixed results). Eight reviews are of high methodological quality; 16 reviews are of medium quality; and 10 reviews are graded low quality.

How to read an evidence gap map

Read our how to guide

Read our how to guide

Are we missing a systematic review?

This evidence gap map was last updated March 2020.
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Sightsavers (2020). Diabetic retinopathy Evidence Gap Map [online] Available at: https://research.sightsavers.org/evidence-gap-maps/diabetic-retinopathy-gap-map/ [Add date accessed]

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