At Sightsavers, our EGMs summarise, appraise, and present evidence from systematic or literature reviews.
The diabetic retinopathy EGM compiles evidence from 124 reviews. Three of these reviews cover more than one thematic area and were thus included in the EGM multiple times. Among these, 34 reviews cover screening of diabetic retinopathy, 33 address the treatment of diabetic retinopathy, 26 tackle the risk or prevention, and 22 reports on the burden of the disease. The remaining reviews address the cost-benefit (four), access to services (three), quality of clinical care (two), and quality of life (two). This gap map reveals clear evidence gaps at the health-systems sector level.
In response to the authors’ research questions, 93 reviews provide strong evidence, 17 reviews present weak or no evidence, and additional 17 reviews yield inconclusive (mixed) results. The reviews were assessed for quality: 71 reviews are graded as low quality, 44 as medium quality, and nine as high methodological quality.
Find out more about the key messages from this EGM in our diabetic retinopathy evidence brief or for more detailed information refer to the report.
This evidence gap map was last updated in 2024.
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Sightsavers (2022). Diabetic retinopathy Evidence Gap Map [online] Available at: [Add date accessed]
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