Measuring equity of access to eye health outreach camps in rural Malawi

Journal: PLOS One


Equal access to and use of health services is critical to achieving universal health coverage and ensuring that the most vulnerable groups in society are not left behind.

This new study assesses whether Sightsavers’ eye health camps in the Co-ordinated Approach To Community Health (CATCH) programme was successful in reaching the poorest people, women, and persons with disabilities in Kasungu district, Malawi.

The article has won an equity measurement award, the Davidson Gwatkin Equity Measurement Prize. The prize is awarded annually for the application of the EquityTool and its data to assess and improve services that reach the poor in low and middle income countries. An international webinar on the use of the Equity Tool was presented by prizewinners on 8 November 2022.

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Publication details
Date published
20 May 2022
Original research