Is the neglected tropical disease mass drug administration campaign approach an effective strategy to deliver universal health coverage? A case study of the Liberia neglected tropical disease programme


Access to affordable, quality healthcare is the key element of universal health coverage (UHC). In this article, the authors examine the effectiveness of the neglected tropical disease (NTD) mass drug administration (MDA) campaign approach to achieve geographic equity, and as such, its value as a means to support efforts for UHC.

Using replicable geospatial modelling techniques, the authors map the reach of national MDA campaign data for the treatment of onchocerciasis and lymphatic filariasis in Liberia. Their analysis suggests that while there is a complex relationship between treatment coverage and geographic location, the MDA campaign approach is a valid mechanism to reach geographically marginal communities, and therefore has potential to deliver UHC.

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Date published
16 May 2023
Original research