Mapping trachoma in the Solomon Islands: results of three baseline population-based prevalence surveys conducted with the Global Trachoma Mapping Project


The purpose of this study was to complete the baseline trachoma map of the Solomon Islands by establishing prevalences of active trachoma and trichiasis in the provinces of Choiseul, Western, Rennell Bellona and Temotu. Using the standardised methodology developed for the Global Trachoma Mapping Project, cross-sectional community-based surveys were supported in three evaluation units (EUs) in 2013.

All three EUs had prevalences of trachomatous inflammation follicular (TF) above the threshold at which WHO recommends mass distribution of azithromycin together with implementation of facial cleanliness and environmental improvement. However, none of the EUs had adjusted prevalences of trichiasis above the WHO threshold for elimination. The little evidence of the blinding complications of trachoma being a public health in these regions is a subject for further research.

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Date published
12 December 2016