Prevalence of trachoma in the Afar Region of Ethiopia: results of seven population-based surveys from the Global Trachoma Mapping Project


The purpose of this study undertaken in Ethiopia in 2013 was to estimate the prevalence of trachoma in suspected-endemic areas of Afar, and thereby determine whether trachoma is a public health problem requiring intervention. The study divided the suspected-endemic population living in 19 accessible woredas into seven evaluation units (EUs), and used the standardised methodologies of the Global Trachoma Mapping Project.

The results demonstrated that trachoma is a public health problem in Afar, and implementation of the SAFE strategy is required. Specifically: the management of trichiasis is needed in five EUs; the mass distribution of antibiotics and interventions for facial cleanliness and environmental improvement are required in seven EUs.

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Date published
11 September 2019
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