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A group of young adults sit in a row, looking to one side. In the centre a young woman is smiling.
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Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs general), Trachoma

Lessons learned for surveillance strategies for trachoma elimination as a public health problem, from the evaluation of approaches utilised by Guinea worm and onchocerciasis programmes: a literature review

Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs general)

Neglected tropical diseases activities in Africa in the COVID-19 era: the need for a “hybrid” approach in COVID-endemic times

Inclusive education

Promoting inclusive education for girls and boys with disabilities in west and central Africa

Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs general), Social inclusion, Lymphatic filariasis

Neglect in the numbers: leaving no voice behind in disease elimination

Economics and financing

What next after GDP-based cost-effectiveness thresholds?

Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs general)

Guiding principles for quality, ethical standards and ongoing learning in implementation research: multicountry learnings from participatory action research to strengthen health systems

Trachoma, Eye health, Economics and financing

The importance of failure: how doing impact surveys that fail saves trachoma programmes money

Eye health, Economics and financing

Estimating the global cost of vision impairment and its major causes: protocol for a systematic review

Social inclusion

How do legal and policy frameworks support employment of people with disabilities in Uganda? Findings from a qualitative policy analysis study

Inclusive education

Let’s Grow Together: understanding the current provision of early childhood development and education for children with disabilities in rural Malawi through community-based participatory research