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A group of young adults sit in a row, looking to one side. In the centre a young woman is smiling.
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Comparison of standard and modified human landing catching techniques for blackfly collection

Social inclusion

Using a community-based participatory research approach to explore economic empowerment for youth with disabilities in rural Uganda

Eye health, Trachoma

Baseline, impact and surveillance trachoma prevalence surveys in Burundi, 2018–2021

Trachoma, Eye health

The Gambia trachomatous trichiasis surveys: results from five evaluation units confirm attainment of trachoma elimination thresholds

Trachoma, Eye health

The prevalence of trachomatous trichiasis in people aged 15 years and over in six evaluation units of Gaoual, Labé, Dalaba and Beyla districts, Guinea


The first mass drug administration campaign for schistosomiasis control in Lagos, Nigeria: lessons for future control programmes

Eye health, Trachoma

Impact of personal protective equipment on the clarity of vision amongst trachoma survey graders and trichiasis surgeons in the context of COVID-19

Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs general)

Is the neglected tropical disease mass drug administration campaign approach an effective strategy to deliver universal health coverage? A case study of the Liberia neglected tropical disease programme


Onchocerciasis: target product profiles of in vitro diagnostics to support onchocerciasis elimination mapping and mass drug administration stopping decisions


Evaluating the impact of alternative intervention strategies in accelerating onchocerciasis elimination in an area of persistent transmission in the West Region of Cameroon